Sunday, February 27, 2011

Family Day 2011

As we usually do for the past few years, we loaded up and headed to my son-in-law's mother's farm for Family Day. The weather was surprisingly nice, no wind and plenty of sunshine. I didn't take many pictures but I did get a few of Gerry's critters!

 This is C-Ditty, hanging out on the old wagon in the front yard, enjoying the sun. And, of course, no one can ignore Bart

and my son-in-law Chad, trying his luck on snowshoes :)

It was a great day!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Best Banana Bread Recipe....Ever! Really, I mean it

This recipe has never failed me, I must have made it 100 times and it always turns out. I have discovered two secrets to making the perfect banana bread, ripe, ripe bananas and buttermilk - you will have the perfect loaf.

Best BB Ever!!

1 1/4 cups sugar, be kind to yourself and try to use organic sugar
1/2 cup margarine or butter, softened and preferably unsalted
2 eggs
4 medium ripe, ripe bananas
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
optional - 1 cup walnuts, carobs, raisins or whatever you prefer

Heat over to 350.

Mix sugar and margarine in bowl and mix until well blended. Add bananas, buttermilk and vanilla, mix until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients except optional ingredients, mix until moistened. Add nuts or whatever you desire :) Pour into greased loaf pans, bake about 1 hour. Cool and remove loaf from pan.....Enjoy!

If you do try this, let me know how it turned out for you.

A Project A Week

I am thinking I will start with 'A Project A Week'...each week I will pick a project and finish it. My blog will show the progress beginning through end. Who knows what it could be - an upcycling project, a sewing project, even baking...just like last night.....Banana Bread for my sons

or peanut butter apple treats for our dog

I will be back with my first the meantime...take time to 'smell the flowers' and enjoy your day!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Solemnly Promise

I will be back...I am working and learning, but I solemnly promise to post!
Can't wait....see you all soon :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Do What Grandma Did

As I surf the internet I am amazed at the hundreds and thousands of recycling, repurposing articles I find. It makes me wonder why some people still don't get it. I think it really is quite simple, do what Grandma did. I remember my grandma - she's been gone for almost 25 years. Her sweet demeanor, her frugal ways - she was truly in touch with the land. I remember when I was about 5 or 6 scrambling through her garden, the corn stalks towering above my head. Her garden was so huge and dense that we could play hide-and-seek in it - really!! Amazing! She had a raspberry patch that must have been 30 feet by 30 feet, it was huge! And every single August and September, her kitchen was a-bustle in the midst of canning/freezing season. Every day for days on end she picked, washed, boiled, canned and froze every single vegetable and fruit she picked. We feasted on that all winter long and in the spring it started all over.
It wasn't only that, she mended, fixed, recycled and upcycled so many items - it was just the way it was then.
I know we are all far too busy to do what our grandmas did. But to try - even just a little - would be a good start. At least that is the way I see it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Start the Car!! Start the Car!!

Yesterday I thought I would pop by our local Value Village in search of interesting material for my upcycling venture. Although I didn't find what I was looking for I did get myself two very new, barely worn, if at all, jeans. Gap and American Eagle, two pairs $22 - close to the deal of the year, but I still think the newest Cesar Milan book for 1.99 still ranks first, or maybe the small computer/lap top desk, still in the box for 7.99. Regardless I was thrilled, it was almost like the IKEA commercial, with the woman running out of the store, bags in hand - "Start the car, start the car!!" I love these kinds of deals.
Today I feel terrible, fluish-like but I think I will finish up on some of my recycling items so I can start selling them. Much of my items will be made mostly from upcycled, repurposed materials - my contribution to helping the earth.
Happy St. Patricks' Day to Everyone!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Upcycling Mania

As I was waiting for my son's hockey game to start today, I pulled out my notebook (I take it everywhere I go, in case I think of something to create) and began to write. I wanted to be sure to record all the ideas I had in my brain file that I wanted to create. I thought I had better get it down on papers before my file gets full and I begin to lose what I already had planned. Great thought! I will continue to carry that notebook around and write everytime I have a few spare minutes, it will fill up fast.
I love the idea of creating something out of what-others-no-longer-want and am excited to begin to sell my ideas. In the meantime, I will continue to tote around my little notebook.....